Noel Hanham FIPENZ BE (Hons)
Graduated with first class honours from Canterbury University specialising in structural engineering.
Director of TH Consultants Ltd.
Fellow of the Institution of Professional Engineers New Zealand.
Noel started in the construction industry as a structural draughtsman, obtaining a New Zealand Certificate in Engineering. Noel also spent some time with New Zealand Structures, a contracting firm, working on bridge and commercial projects.
In 1978 Noel and Arthur Tyndall established the consultancy practise of Tyndall and Hanham. With the recent withdrawal of Arthur to concentrate on his own special interests the company has rebranded to TH Consultants.
Noel has been involved with numerous engineering projects over the last 35 years. Projects have included a diverse range of engineering structures in areas covering residential, commercial, industrial and adventure tourism.
Noel has been actively involved with the Institution of Professional Engineers New Zealand (IPENZ), serving as Canterbury Branch Secretary and Chairman at various times. Noel also served on the Governing Board of IPENZ at a significant time of restructuring to better provide for the future needs of the profession.
Noel was Canterbury Area Convenor for the IPENZ 1990 Project, celebrating 150 years of engineering achievements. This sparked an ongoing involvement with Engineering Heritage. Noel has served on the IPENZ National Committee for Engineering Heritage and is currently Chairman of the Canterbury Chapter for Engineering Heritage.
Noel is currently an appointed member of the IPENZ Engineering Heritage Board. This Board has only recently been established in recognition of the importance of heritage to the Engineering Profession.